неделя, 21 октомври 2012 г.

Handmade vintage jewellery

Playing with my bag of Mod Podge goodies my daughter brought from the US.

Podgeable shapes, Dimensional Magic, Mod Podge printables, rhinestones, vintage lace and old beads.

 Note to self: next time don't work with Dimensional Magic at midnight. Ah, well, it's good enough for a first try.

четвъртък, 14 юни 2012 г.

The evolution of Gabrielle - Part 3

Layer 12.

Layer 13.

сряда, 13 юни 2012 г.

The evolution of Gabrielle - Part 2

Layer 9:

Layer 10:

Layer 11:

The evolution of Gabrielle

Angel Gabrielle (yes, She is a she;D), Flora Bowley style.

Layer 1: slap on the paint
Layer 2: aimless doodles

Layer 3: word magick

Layer 4: drippage

Lots of drippage
Layer 5: even more drippage, lines and dots 

Layer 6;

Layer 7:

Layer 8:

I guess She'll be ready in 8 more layers.

неделя, 13 май 2012 г.

Flora Bowley-ish

I've always painted and crafted without method. No instruction, no tutoring, no guidelines, just me and my right brain. Usually the finished work is nowhere near the original plan, but that's OK.
Turns out this is the "in"  way to do art. Recently I discovered the incredible Flora Bowley and her Brave Intuitive painting style. Of course, I could never afford to attend her seminars, but thanks, Internet, I can watch pictures on blogs. So, this is my attempt at painting a la Flora:

Spring Mother

"Sorrow' - I painted it thinking of my missing cat Barak. It helped a little...

вторник, 17 април 2012 г.


Birthday Cat

Happy first birthday, Christopher Barak, a.k.a. Farinelli, a.k.a. Barry Cotter, a.k.a. Mama's Gray-Eyed Boy. We love you!

четвъртък, 2 февруари 2012 г.

Дръвче по дръвче - горичка

My blog has planted an oak tree.
От блога на Ваня CIKNOTO разбрах за инициативата на I plant a tree и ITSTH (компания за софтуер), която дава възможност да бъде засадено дърво от името на всеки притежател на блог. Ако искате и вие да се включите в тяхното начинание, трябва само да си изберете дърво от техния сайт и да пишете за инициативата им в блога си! И да не забравите да поставите вашето дърво в публикацията :) 

понеделник, 30 януари 2012 г.