неделя, 10 март 2013 г.


Yesterday I took my first ever felting class. Here's the result:


I sense the beginning of a new passion here.

сряда, 6 февруари 2013 г.


 Yeah, I discovered SMASH*booking =) Except I'm not going to buy all those fabulous supplies and work with what I have instead. It's part of my 2013 resolution to use and buy LESS. Not that I've managed to stick to it these past months ;=) It"s an old composition book and magazine images I've been hoarding for years. It won't be pretty, but it will be ME.

Did I just say "use and buy LESS? Lol.It's been a non-stop spending spree since Christmas.
This page smells fabulous of the BEST coffee ever!
 Say YES!
A hidden envelope with some private notes and wishes inside.
 A  2013 wish/to-do list. Only things that are in my control, nothing fancy.
 This was posted on cjane's blog. Love it!

 Another 2013 resolution - brush up on my Russian. A GREAT piece by Lissi Mussa which describes exactly how I feel about Karma. I can only talka about it in expletives;=)
 Travel journalling.

 "Is the absence of unhappiness HAPPINESS? I don't think it is..."

 An article about women and survival. I'm celebrating surviving...
"And inside us
someone is nagging
I'm ugly,
I eat worms
all day long
in this cold puddle,
and nobody
loves me."

Well, DARK TIMES, as I said...

New art journal

  I've started a new art journal as part of my New Year resolutions. The idea is to use found papers and images plus whatever I have at hand and STOP buying art supplies. It's still in its infancy. Wish I had more time to work on it.

This one needs some journalling.

A tribute to my four-year obssession with TWILIHGT.

 This is an ugly page, recording some very dark times. I was thinking of destroying it, but decided against that. I'm slowly losing my  childhood conditioning and "positive thinking" new-ageism and learning that it's OK to feel ugly. Ugly and f*cked up is part of me, so why pretend it's not there.

неделя, 21 октомври 2012 г.

Handmade vintage jewellery

Playing with my bag of Mod Podge goodies my daughter brought from the US.

Podgeable shapes, Dimensional Magic, Mod Podge printables, rhinestones, vintage lace and old beads.

 Note to self: next time don't work with Dimensional Magic at midnight. Ah, well, it's good enough for a first try.

четвъртък, 14 юни 2012 г.

The evolution of Gabrielle - Part 3

Layer 12.

Layer 13.

сряда, 13 юни 2012 г.

The evolution of Gabrielle - Part 2

Layer 9:

Layer 10:

Layer 11:

The evolution of Gabrielle

Angel Gabrielle (yes, She is a she;D), Flora Bowley style.

Layer 1: slap on the paint
Layer 2: aimless doodles

Layer 3: word magick

Layer 4: drippage

Lots of drippage
Layer 5: even more drippage, lines and dots 

Layer 6;

Layer 7:

Layer 8:

I guess She'll be ready in 8 more layers.